Academic field

There are a range of services specifically aimed at the three groups that make up the school: students, parents, and teachers of courses of secondary and high school. Courses and workshops, tailor-made, on issues to the environment of main risk behaviors that teenage students present.

Workshops for students

Course Workshop Duration
1st ESO 1.1. «Tobacco: a drug that has lost glamour?» 2 h.
1.2. «Alcohol: the drug of the “buzz”» 2 h.
3.1. «Bullying: students who abuse other students» 2 h.
2nd ESO 2.1 «Anorexia nervosa: from perfectionism to starvation “ 3 h.
2.2. «Bulimia: a camouflaged disease» 3 h.
4.1. «Mobile phones, chats and network: use to abuse» 3 h.
3rd ESO 1.3. «Cannabis (marijuana, haixix): a social drug?» 3 h.
3.2. «Online: the showcase of a new violence» 3 h.
4.3. «Dream: an increasingly scarce» 3 h.
4th ESO 1.4. «Designer drugs: stateless drugs» 3 h.
2.3. «Bigorexia: another kind of slavery» 3 h.
4.2. «Online: games and compulsive shopping» 3 h.
1st BAC 3.3. «Street violence: a gratuitous violence?» 3 h.
1.5. «Cocaine: from recreational use to the addictive use» 3 h.
5.1. «Prevention of sexual risk behaviors» 3 h.
2nd BAC 6.1. «New teenagers: their values and those of the
welfare society’
3 h.


  • First part: exposure of content.
  • Second part: working groups.
  • Part three: sharing and conclusions.


  • Projector and computer (PowerPoint).
  • Television and DVD.
  • Classroom or space with possibilities of distributing “groups”.


  • Maximum number of attendees: 40 students per workshop.
  • Proper documentation will be delivered to the attendees.
  • Attendees will be an anonymous final evaluation of each workshop.

Workshops schedule is flexible and will remember with the collective interested.
Possibilities: 1 monthly workshop, 1 bi-weekly workshop, 1 daily workshop during a set period of time …

After completion of the workshop, will be scheduled, if the school considers it, an interview with the management
coordinators or tutors to assess the provided contents and interaction with students.

Amalgama7 healthcare team.

Contact to  for a budget.
Do not hesitate to contact uss for any additional information.

Workshops for parents

Workshop 1: “Is the adolescence an evolutionary stage that makes difficult the relationship between fathers and sons?”

  • Which are the bio-psycho-social characteristics of teenagers?
  • How to detect the disorders generated by school performance, anxiety, phobic, affectivity…?
  • How encourage responsible behavior in their spaces of leisure, of friends, of party?
Workshop 2: «The power of new teenagers: their values… and ours»

  • Who are new teenagers? What is its power?
  • Which are the values that generates the welfare society?
  • Do values that generates the school, the family, religion and politics?
  • What to do and how can cater to teenage pupils who do not follow the pace set by society?
Workshop 3: “Main forms of violence at the start of the 21st century”
List of forms of violence and in the areas in which occurs is unfortunately long. But we shall limit ourselves to the fields and forms of teenagers and young people more typical violence, and that unfortunately are on the rise in welfare societies:

  • Family violence, and in particular that of children who abuse their parents (child to parent violence);
  • School violence, and specifically students who abuse other students;
  • Online violence, referring to those teenagers and young people who, through their mobile phone or from the network, mistreat other people;
  • Violence, and reference specific to teenagers and young people who, in a way that is organized or not, is abused to themselves and other citizens.
Workshop 4: «Joints and our children: yes or no?»
Today, derivatives of cannabis (joints) are one of the most commonly used drugs.
In the first world, we can find it in all socio-economic and ethnic groups both in urban and rural areas. Its consumption has grown dramatically among young people and teenagers. What are its consequences? As parents, we need to avoid and we can avoid its consumption?
Workshop 5: «Cocaine and designer drugs: causes and consequences»
Spain is at the forefront of Europe in the use of these illegal drugs. Teenagers and young people are especially interested in them and their consumption has experienced considerable growth. How to detect problems associated or arising from their consumption? How to intervene?
Workshop 6: «Sleep: an increasingly scarce good»
Teenagers and young people sleep between 1 and 2 hours less each night than they need. Why? Causes and consequences. Possibilities for intervention from the family environment.
Workshop 7: «Sex and teenagers: experiences and risk practices»

  • Which are the experiences, doubts, questions, and sexual practices of teenagers and young people today?
  • How enable communication between parents and children regarding the expectations, questions and answers on sexual themes?
  • How to detect sexual risk practices in teenagers and young people?
  • How to intervene to facilitate preventive behaviors and avoid risk?
Workshop 8: «Anorexia, bigorexia and bulimia: three faces of the same coin»

  • Eating disorders dramatically increase in young people and teenagers. At school and in the family, can we do something?
  • How can we detect if we are at the beginning of one of these disorders? How can we prevent its appearance?
<Workshop 9: «Mobile phones, chats and computer games: from use to addiction»
Young people and teenagers are increasingly using these instruments as mechanisms for leisure and evasion. Many of them will experience problems with their use/abuse. School and family, can we do something about?
Workshop 10: «AIDS and teenagers: a particularly vulnerable group»

  • What is AIDS? Current situation in the world and its impact among the population of young people and teenagers.
  • How enable communication between parents and children about the disease of AIDS?
  • How to detect practices of risk of transmission of HIV in the population of young people and teenagers?
  • How to encourage preventive and responsible behaviors and avoid the risk?


Each workshop lasts 3 hours and is divided into 3 parts:

  • First part: exposure of content.
  • Second part: working groups.
  • Part three: sharing and conclusions.


  • Projector and computer with PowerPoint.
  • Television and DVD.
  • Classroom or space with possibilities of distributing “groups”.


  • Maximum number of participants: 40 people per workshop.
  • Proper documentation will be delivered to the attendees.
  • An anonymous final evaluation of each workshop will be held to attendees.

Workshops schedule is flexible and will remember with the collective interested.
Possibilities: 1 monthly workshop, 1 bi-weekly workshop, 1 daily workshop during a set period of time…

At school or at Amalgama7 Outpatient Centre.

Amalgama7 interdisciplinary team.

Contact to  for a budget.
Do not hesitate to contact uss for any additional information.

Workshops for teachers

“Major young and adolescent students risk behaviors”

Course 1: «Drug consumption at school: how to react?»

  • Duration of the course:21 hours, distributed in 7 sessions of 3 hours each.
  • Sinopsis (Spanish): Which are the most consumed drugs by teenagers and young people today? Descriptions, characteristics and effects. The school can and/or should perform preventive actions to avoid consumption among students? Which actions? How to evaluate their effectiveness? Can we know and detect drug use? From detection, which types of intervention do we have? How to approach consumption and trafficking of drugs at school? And how at the family of the student consumer/dealer? And other families? And teachers, tutors, coordinators, and management, how can they lead the actions?
Course 2: «Sex and teenage students: experiences and practices of risk»

  • Duration of the course:21 hours, distributed in 7 sessions of 3 hours each.
  • Sinopsis (Spanish): In the last 5 years, has tripled the number of cases of pregnancy in teenage girls; therefore, everything makes us think that risk sexual practices do not diminish, but are on the rise. Why? Which are beliefs, doubts and questions that young people and teenagers are made? Which answers do we give? How to detect sexual practices of risk in students? How to intervene from school? Who and what educative figures are / would be the most appropriate?
Course 3: «Irritable, challenging, cheeky teenage students, are they reconvertibles?»

  • Sinopsis (Spanish): Teenagers and young people sleep between 1 and 2 hours less each night than need. Why? Mobile phones, chats and computer games, in many cases the use to abuse, even up to the addiction. The supply of drugs is increasingly wider, less container families. These variables, do influence their behavior and school performance? Can we intervene? Types of intervention. Which are the values of the new teenagers and which are ours?

  • Duration of the course:21 hours, distributed in 7 sessions of 3 hours each.
Course 4: “Eating disorders: anorexia and bulimia, vigorexia, three sides of the same coin»

  • Duration of the course:21 hours, distributed in 7 sessions of 3 hours each.
  • Sinopsis (Spanish): These disorders often begin mostly at the onset of adolescence and develop in the fields of family and school. Its detection is often easy, and for many of the boys and girls affected the evolution of this risky behavior will become a real disorder that can seriously compromise the family life, as well as the academic evolution, among others. The workshop, in addition to its purely informative aspect, is intended to advise teachers of the onset of their symptoms and in turn sensitize them so that they can prevent it either intervene before best, as well as to give guidelines for intervention to families of affected boys and girls.


Each workshop lasts 3 hours and is divided into 3 parts:

  • First part: exposure of content.
  • Second part: working groups.
  • Part three: sharing and conclusions.


  • Projector and computer with PowerPoint.
  • Television and DVD.
  • Classroom or space with possibilities of distributing “groups”.


  • Maximum number of participants: 40 people per workshop.
  • Proper documentation will be delivered to the attendees.
  • An anonymous final evaluation of each workshop will be held to attendees.

Workshops schedule is flexible and will remember with the collective interested.
Possibilities: 1 monthly workshop, 1 bi-weekly workshop, 1 daily workshop during a set period of time …

At school or at Amalgama7 Outpatient Centre.

Amalgama7 interdisciplinary team.

Contact to  for a budget..
Do not hesitate to contact uss for any additional information.
For any question, contact us


It is offered to schools that request it a conference aimed, mainly, to parents of students in secondary education.

“Main risk behaviors in teenagers and young students”

Sinopsis (spanish):

In the family, new teenagers present five types of basic conflicts: poor academic performance; the lack of participation in the distribution of domestic tasks; the excessive demand of large leisure and departures schedules; the negotiations relating to money and its destination; and excessive exposure to ways of paralyzing entertainment: TV, mobile phome, Internet, etc. These contemporary young people and teenagers claim increasingly more subsidized autonomy, and the imposing authority of previous generations has now become the dictatorship of the ongoing negotiation. They are a rebellious teenagers, although conformists and perfectly adapted to the welfare society, at the epicenter of a family which lives its own crisis of identity from four basic types: overprotective family, the permissive, the delegative and the co-responsabily. New teenagers “are educated” in a school at the height of transformation and more results-oriented training values uncertainty and grow under the discredit, as agents of social cohesion, of politics and religion.

Teacher: Jordi Royo Isach is clinical psychologist (since 1981 works essentially in the care of teenagers, young people and their families) and is also teaching collaborator of the faculties of psychology, medicine, nursing, work and social education of several universities. Author of the book “Los rebeldes del bienestar. Claves para la comunicación con los nuevos adolescentes (The rebels of welfare. Keys for communication with new teenagers (Alba Editorial), edited in catalan (3 editions) and Spanish (2 editions), and other basic manuals, and numerous articles on risk behaviors of young people and teenagers in specialized, national and international publications, and director of preventive exhibitions regarding drug use as “¿Ciudadanos? ¡Ciudadanos!” (“Citizens? Citizens!”) and “A toda pastilla” (“At full speed”) (shown at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona – CCCB-).

He has directed various European studies funded by the EU and has participated in research projects of the National Plan on Drugs. He is the author also of preventive programs aimed at school, educative and health centres, as the series main risk behaviors of young people and teenagers (Edigol Ediciones), among others.

Is currently clinical manager of Amalgama7, Therapeutic and educative attention for teenagers, young people and their families, Vice President of the Portal Private Foundation, with support to boys and girls with dual disorders and their families), and Co-founder of the Spanish society for the study of child to parent violence (Sevifip).