The Carnival in the Amalgama7 Therapeutic and Educative Schools
Party for the Earth in Amalgama7

Visit to the Centre d’Apropament a la Natura at Navàs

From 13 to 15 March, residents of Therapeutic and Educative School CTE Valldaura went to the Centre d’Apropament a la Natura (CAN) at Navàs (Barcelona).

For three days, and divided into 3 groups, they visited the facilities of this farm and they were able to enjoy the animals and nature live. The CAN is a non-profit organization that carries out projects of education for schools and families, integration of people with disabilities or in situations of social risk.

This educative visit is part of the activities that take place in the classroom of the CTE Valldaura, so activities prior to the visit were done, as well as a work of synthesis were performed.