Carnival 2019 in Amalgama7
Amalgama7 at the Mobile World Congress 2019

Preventive conferences and workshops at the Llissach and La Gleva schools

In February and March 2019, members of the health teams of Amalgama7 will carry out training and preventive activities in the schools Llissach (Santpedor, Bages) and La Gleva (les Masies de Voltregà, Osona).

Initially, on February 5th and 6th, Jordi Royo Isach, clinical director of Amalgama7, will give the lecture “The rebels of well-being: the main risk behaviors of teenagers and young people”, addressed to the parents of the students of those academic centres. From here, a program of lectures and workshops aimed at students and parents on the prevention of risky behaviors related to the use and abuse of new technologies and on the consumption of cannabis derivatives will be displayed at schools.