Interview to Mariàngels Feliu at Radio-4
XIX Clinical evaluation and debate day 2017: “Parents and teenagers: towards a meeting point”

Presentation of a new preventive guide for Amalgama7 in the Crèdit Andorrà Foundation

Last November 13th 2017 the presentation of the second Amalgama7 guide of the collection “Preventive guides for parents and children”, of the Crèdit Andorrà Foundation, entitled Pares, fills i desordres alimentaris: el diàleg és possible, took place in Andorra la Vella (Principality of Andorra)

In the first part of the presentation, Dr. Joan Obiols, psychiatrist at the Nostra Senyora de Meritxell Clinic (Andorra), gave the lecture “Anorexia and bulimia, food diseases”. And then the author, Jordi Royo, clinical manager of Amalgama7, presented the guide. Among others, he explained that families should be alert if their children lose weight in a considerable way, if they isolate themselves and start wearing wide clothes. Also, recommended not to go to punishment or threats if the disorder already exists, “avoid using food as a reward or punishment” because there are no good and bad food. He also recommended avoiding stigmatizing the problem so that, if it appears, you should not be afraid to seek help from a professional.