Does the information and communication technologies addiction exist?

New technologies or information and communication technologies (ICT) have revolutionized our welfare societies, but their rapid evolution and their wide adaptation by all citizens, from early childhood, along with the difficulty of regulation and monitoring of children by families has generated new addictions that, due to their symptoms, do not stray from those related to drugs or compulsive purchases.

Recently the medical authorities have recognized that there are behavioral habits related to the use or abuse of these technologies (telephone, television, internet, videogames…) that can become addictive and seriously interfere in the daily life of the affected people. Attitudes such as isolation, anxiety, irascibility, focalization of the activity in the use of ICTs, abrupt mood swings… can hinder family coexistence or the academic rhythm of the child or teenagers.

If you are living this situation, we can help you…

More information: “New technologies”, “Attention to families”