Visit to Denmark from Amalgama7
Summer activities at the Therapeutic and Educative School CTE Valldaura

End of Course Party Amalgama7 the Municipal Theater of Berga

On Saturday, July 7th, the Academic Day of Amalgama7 took place, an act that marks the end of the course of the students residing in Amalgama7.

More than 400 people, including residents attended in the Therapeutic and educative schools of Amalgama7, relatives, friends, academic team and other professionals, we met at the Municipal Theater of Berga (Barcelona) to share the graduations, recognitions to the 189 students who have passed through the classrooms of our schools in the year 2017-18.

The Day was opened by the Hon. Mr. Josep Lara Tristante, Counselor of Attention to the People of the Regional Council of Berguedà, and after the parliaments of Judit Carreras Tort, coordinator of the Presidency of the Portal Foundation, and of Montserrat Magrané Delfin, general director of Amalgama7, the team of Teachers from the classrooms of Amalgama7 presented the star activities carried out during the school year. Finally, the acknowledgments and diplomas were given to the students who accredited and promoted the 2017-18 academic year.