Amalgama7 in the Master’s Degree in Child and Young People Clinical Psychopathology at the UAB
Visit to the castle of the Barons of Pinós

Preventive workshops at the Pia Nostra Senyora School of Barcelona 2019

Next Friday, April 5, members of the health teams of Amalgama7 will carry out three workshops for the prevention of risky behaviors such as: the use and abuse of new technologies, drugs, and eating disorders in adolescents and young people.

These sessions are aimed at students of the 2nd year of the Baccalaureate of the Pía Nuestra Señora de Barcelona School.

The workshop “Mobile, chat and network: from use to abuse” aims to raise awareness among students about the risks of misuse of new technologies (mobile, computers, videogames …) and promote responsible use among adolescents and young people

The aim of the workshop on “Eating Disorders” aims to show students the risks and consequences of poor nutrition and different eating disorders, while expressing their doubts, opinions or experiences in this regard.

Finally, the workshop “Cannabis Derivatives” consists of a first theoretical part, a second part of a clinical case work and a final part of group work sharing.