Participation of Amalgama7 in the VII Jornada TDAH Fuenlabrada
Amalgama7 in the XLVth Socidrogalcohol Days in Toledo

Conference for parents of students at the Federico Fliedner Foundation, Madrid

On Friday, March 9th 2018, Silvia Gómez, director of the Madrid Outpatient Centre of Amalgama7, has given a workshop on gender violence in teenagers at El Porvenir School in Madrid,  framed in the activities of the Family Academy of the Federico Fliedner Foundation.

The workshop “Prevention of gender-based violence: the teenager couple”, of a theoretical-practical nature, responds to the observation, at present, of the increase of gender violence in younger couples, and wants to create this space for prevention , detection and education of this phenomenon in the family environment.

The Federico Fliedner Foundation, whose mission is to accompany people throughout their lives through educational, formative and social action, manages, among other centres and activities, the Juan de Valdés and El Porvenir schools, Madrid.